One of the most common problems seen in our pets, is gingivitis and dental disease. Most commonly seen due to a lack of chewing on the part of the animal or an improper diet, dental problems can lead to oral pain and a lack of appetite, as well as halitosis (bad breath) and sometimes severe systemic illness and organ failure (such as endocarditis and pyelonephritis). Gum diseases may also be seen as a clinical sign in other underlying disease states (such as kidney failure and many cat viral diseases such as calicivirus and feline immunodeficiency virus).
By having your pet’s teeth examined by one of our veterinarians on a regular basis and if necessary, follow up with a professional dental clean, will help maintain a healthy oral cavity. Your pet may need to be anaesthetised to carry out a thorough dental examination, and to clean all teeth without distressing them. The teeth and gums are evaluated, charted and assessed for gingival pockets. Tartar is then removed using an ultrasonic scaler. The teeth are then polished using a dental polisher and specialised fine-grade paste. Some teeth have marked root exposure or infections in the roots of the teeth and will require removal to prevent abscessation and bone infection.
Regular and frequent attention to your pet’s teeth may avoid the need for a professional dental clean under anaesthetic, and will also improve your pet’s overall health.
Common Dental Checks Include;